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manAron Arie Eliazer Turksma/ Vomber‏‎
Born ‎28-2-1906 Deventer, Netherland, died ‎8- Apr 1922 Zutphen, Netherland‎, 15 or 16 years. Occupation: Traveller home textiles. Son of Eliazer Marcus Turksma/ Pola and Betje Vomberg/ Kat

Married to:

womanMartha Nathans/ Kat‏‎
Born ‎12-12-1915 Arnhem, Netherland, died ‎8-12-1992 Zutphen, Netherland‎, 76 or 77 years. Daughter of Herman Nathans - Both and Jetje Katz - Philipson


womanJetty Turksma/ Nathan‏ PRIVACY FILTER
womanLizzy Turksma/ Nathan‏ PRIVACY FILTER
manErik Turksma/ Nathan‏ PRIVACY FILTER