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manTobias Asser-Shochet/ Tobia‏‎
Born ‎20-1-1783 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎3- Apr 1847 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 63 or 64 years. Occupation: Lawyer. Son of Mozes Salomon Asser/ van Embde and Chiela Mozes Tobias

Married to:

womanCaroline Itzig/ Wul‏‎
Born ‎13-6-1786 Berlin, Germany, died ‎20-2-1854 Kuln, Germany‎, 67 or 68 years. Daughter of Daniel Itzig and Edel Wulf


womanAnna Netje Gratia Marianna Asser-Shochet/ Danie‏
Born ‎16-12-1807 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎30-6-1893 The Hague, Netherland‎, 85 or 86 years
manEduard Isaac Asser/ Danie‏
Born ‎19-10-1809 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎21-9-1894 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 84 or 85 years. Occupation: Lawyer
manCarel Daniel Asser/ Danie‏
Born ‎31-8-1813 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎11-3-1890 The Hague, Netherland‎, 76 or 77 years
womanHenriette Florine Rose Asser/ Danie‏
Born ‎9- Apr 1817 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎1885 Riehl, Netherland‎, 67 or 68 years