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manMozes Salomon Staal/ Abraha‏‎
Born ‎27- Feb 1864 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎13-9-1938 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 73 or 74 years. Son of Salomon Mozes Staal/ Simon and Beletje Isaac Abraham/ de Vrie

Married to:

womanSara Lea Querido‏‎
Born ‎1859 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎26-4-1930 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 70 or 71 years


womanElisabeth (Bep) Staal/ Querid‏
Born ‎22-3-1890 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎13-7-1963 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 72 or 73 years
womanCatharina Staal - Querido‏
Born ‎1892 Amsterdam, Netherland‎