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womanRoosje Mozes Groen/ Beschuitj‏‎
Born ‎± 1788 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎before 1835 Amsterdam, Netherland‎. Daughter of Mozes Joseph Groen/ Cohe and Anna Abraham Beschuitje/ Barend\Be

Married to:

manJochem Nathan Spier - Appel‏‎
Born ‎28-9-1791 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎10-11-1849 Middelburg, Netherland‎, 57 or 58 years, ‎1st marriage to: Roosje Mozes Groen/ Beschuitj, ‎2nd marriage to: Anthonetta Johanna Haase/ Lip. Son of Nathan Salomon Spier - Levie and Dina Jochem Appel


womanJudick Spier/ Groe‏‎
Born ‎13-9-1817 Zierikzee, Netherland, died ‎14-9-1817 Zierikzee, Netherland‎, under 1 year old
manSalomon Joachim Spier - Groen‏‎
Born ‎2- Jan 1815 Middelburg, Netherland, died ‎19-4-1839 Middelburg, Netherland‎, 23 or 24 years