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manSalomon Meier Levy Kan/ van Zuide‏‎
Born ‎1762 Hoogeveen-Drenthe, Netherland, died ‎10-8-1825 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 62 or 63 years. Son of Meijer Izaak Levy and Roosje Godschalk van Zuiden/ Marku

Marriage/ Related to:

womanGrietje Abrahams Cohen‏‎
Born ‎1764 Smeelo, died ‎7- Mar 1836 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 71 or 72 years


manAbraham Salomon Levy Kan/ (van Es) Cohe‏
Born ‎10-11-1791 Kolderveen-Drenthe, Netherland, died ‎12-1-1871 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 79 or 80 years. Occupation: Buyer
womanAaltje Salomons Kan/ Cohe‏
Born ‎1792 Kolderveen-Drenthe,Netherland, died ‎3- Feb 1823 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 30 or 31 years
womanJudith-Judik Salomon Kan/ Cohe‏
Born ‎1795 Wanneperveen-Overijssel, Netherland, died ‎2- Sep 1850 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 54 or 55 years
manMeyerMeijer Salomon Kan/ Cohe‏
Born ‎1797 Wanneperveen-Overijssel, Netherland, died ‎15-7-1836 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 38 or 39 years
manIsrael Salomon Kan - Cohen‏
Born ‎11-11-1799 Wanneperveen-Overijssel, Netherland, died ‎20-12-1882 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 82 or 83 years
womanRoosje Salomon Kan/ Cohe‏
Born ‎Feb-1802 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland, died ‎1- Jun 1855 Meppel-Drenthe, Netherland‎, 53 years