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manMozes van Aalst - Salomons‏‎
Born ‎11-9-1867 Oudshoorn, Netherland, died ‎14-1-1943 Auschwitz-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 75 or 76 years. Occupation: Factory worker. Son of Levie Moses Cohen van Aalst and Kaatje Hartog Salomons

Marriage/ Related to:

womanMarkje Martiena Wolff - Vreedenburg‏‎
Born ‎4- Feb 1867 Harlingen-Friesland, Netherland, died ‎16-4-1943 Sobibor-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 75 or 76 years. Daughter of Salomon Wolff - Lohrhaupten and Beeltje Vreedenburg - Slot


womanCato van Aalst - Wolff‏
Born ‎15-6-1894 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎14-1-1943 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 48 or 49 years
manSalomon van Aalst - Wolff‏
Born ‎4- Mar 1897 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎6- Jun 1941 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 44 years. Occupation: Travelling merchant