manAbraham Ossendrijver/ Poon‏‎
Born ‎13-2-1869 Rotterdam, Netherland, died ‎19-3-1943 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 73 or 74 years. Occupation: Buyer. Son of Eliazar Ossendrijver/ Nete and Engeltje Poons/ de Groo

Married ‎16-10-1895 The Hague, Netherland (45 or 46 years married) to:

womanJudith Fresco/ Ereir‏‎
Born ‎18-5-1865 The Hague, Netherland, died ‎15-1-1941 The Hague, Netherland‎, 75 or 76 years. Daughter of Aaron Fresco/ Huisma and Lea Ereira/ Henriques de la Fuent


womanEngeltje Ossendrijver/ Fresc‏‎
Born ‎24-7-1896 Rotterdam, Netherland, died ‎4- jun 1943 Sobibor-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 46 or 47 years
manAaron Ossendrijver/ Fresc‏
Born ‎2- sep 1898 The Hague, Netherland, died ‎23-4-1955 The Hague, Netherland‎, 56 or 57 years. Occupation: Meat shop
womanEster Ossendrijver/ Fresc‏
Born ‎6- jan 1901 The Hague, Netherland, died ‎2-11-1942 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 40 or 41 years
womanSusanna Ossendrijver/ Fresc‏
Born ‎27-3-1903 The Hague, Netherland, died ‎2-11-1942 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 38 or 39 years
womanAnna Ossendrijver/ Fresc‏
Born ‎22-12-1904 The Hague, Netherland, died ‎16-4-1925 The Hague, Netherland‎, 20 or 21 years
womanLea Ossendrijver - Fresco‏
Born ‎25-4-1907 The Hague, Netherland, died ‎17-9-1943 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 35 or 36 years