manSalomo Gomes de Mesquita - Duits‏‎
Born ‎19-4-1894 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎16-7-1943 Sobibor-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 48 or 49 years. Occupation: Diamond worker. Son of Abraham Gomes de Mesquita/ Schui and Naatje Duits -Polak

Married ‎30-12-1920 Amsterdam, Netherland (22 or 23 years married) to:

womanSchoontje van Praag - Velleman‏‎
Born ‎12-10-1898 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎16-7-1943 Sobibor-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 44 or 45 years. Daughter of Marcus Praag - Scheffer and Leentje Velleman - de Beer


manAbraham Gomes de Mesquita - van Praag‏‎
Born ‎16-5-1922 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎30-9-1942 Auschwitz-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 19 or 20 years