womanHanna Gomes de Mesquita - Duitz‏‎
Born ‎18-5-1890 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎12-2-1943 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 52 or 53 years. Daughter of Abraham Gomes de Mesquita/ Schui and Naatje Duits -Polak

Marriage/ Related to:

manSalomon Pappie - Maarsen‏‎
Born ‎6- aug 1892 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎12-2-1943 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 50 or 51 years. Son of Meijer Salomon Pappie and Heintje Maarsen


womanHeintje Pappie - Gomes de Mesquita‏
Born ‎25-8-1924 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎9- jul 1943 Sobibor-Biala Podleska, Poland‎, 18 or 19 years
manMax Pappie/ Gomes de Mesquit‏‎
Born ‎30-5-1930 Zandvoort, died ‎12-2-1943 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 12 or 13 years