womanHanna Querido - Workum‏‎
Born ‎22-1-1871 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎1- apr 1923 Amsterdam, Netherland‎, 51 or 52 years. Daughter of Jonas Querido/ van Geldere and Sophia Workum/ Norde

Married ‎29-3-1905 Weesp, Netherland (17 or 18 years married) to:

manMozes Troostwijk - Grootkerk‏‎
Born ‎28-6-1879 Leeuwarden-Friesland, Netherland, died ‎25-10-1944 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 64 or 65 years. Occupation: Tailor. Son of Israel Troostwijk - Boers and Kaatje Grootkerk - Frank


womanSophia Troostwijk - Querido‏
Born ‎28-8-1905 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎6-10-1944 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 38 or 39 years. Occupation: Office clerk
manJonas Troostwijk - Querido‏
Born ‎16-5-1909 Amsterdam, Netherland‎. Occupation: Merchant
womanCato Troostwijk - Querido‏
Born ‎13-5-1907 Amsterdam, Netherland, died ‎3- sep 1943 Auschwitz-Katowice, Poland‎, 35 or 36 years